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Religion 101: Daily Mantras, The Powerful Morning Prayers3 min read

(They say that we remember better if we put things down in writing and repeat it on a daily basis in form of a mantra)


(One in the morning before leaving the house. Image source:

Bung Mokhtar may be stirred up a hornet’s nest with this but frankly speaking, there is some truth with what he has said. But let’s not muddle the matter even more – we can find idiots on both sides of the gender groups.

In the meantime, I have started a new routine – silent in the (it applies to the crazy evenings as well) before I drive out.

Dear Al-Mighty, I know I may not keep my part of the bargain but who knows – perhaps this time, it will be different.

As I drive out from my house in the morning, I will take deep breathe to calm myself and tell myself that I have plenty of time in my hands. I will keep it to the speed limit whenever possible and will not be the usual speed demon, harassing the slower vehicles who hog the fast lane and who refused to move away despite plenty of warnings given.

I will recognize that there are people in this world who think they have the right to drive on the fast lane, not by the speed but by the size of their vehicle (and ego).

I will also recognize those pesky motorcyclists who away on the highway wearing dark clothes and without any lights or indicators whatsoever that they are too road users like the rest of us.

They too have family waiting for them at home and despite being too and reckless to be taking such high risks; perhaps a gory death is too extreme of a punishment for them.

Besides I have better things to do than be entangled with a case of fatal accident so early in the morning – I rather spend my time having a hot roti canai and a nice cup of tea than roaming around in a police station explaining on how this idiot on the bike suddenly veered into my lane.

And when I pass by foreign factory workers who don’t bother to look left and right before crossing , I recognize that if they were to use their brain when they are on the road, they would not be working in a factory far away from their home with low pay and almost robotic like work tasks.

I am pretty sure that if they have done that, they would be working in a high tech laboratory with a hefty salary that might be enough for them to buy a car instead of walking precariously in heavy traffic.

I also recognize that we are yet to reach the level of developed country and condition of the road has been nothing to shout about – there are some parts of the road that I use on a regular basis seemed to be built by people who probably have not driven anything in their life.

Potholes and lame quality of road is nothing new in the Bolehland.

I will remember to continue to take in deep breath so as at not to elevate my heart beat and do things that I will regret later.

I know I don’t think rationally when I am angry – it does not worth it to be angry on something I don’t have control on. It is more useful if I can focus all that energy on focusing on my own driving and reaching the destination in one piece.


With that, I am one step away from being an “uncle driver” – damn!

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