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Enforcement 101: Dumb Motorcyclists, Skinning Them Alive

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning

(The problem with some dumb motorcyclists is that they think that they are invincible especially when they are not wearing any helmets. Initially, I felt the same way too but I recognize that it was nothing but a mirage – unlike those driving cars, you have nothing to protect you from serious injuries. That is why I always ride sensibly and with a good measure of protection – proper jacket, gloves and helmet and abiding traffic rules all the time. Image source: Perak Today)

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United Malaysia 101: Race Based Short Sighted Resolutions

Tamil school race MIC

(If we can unite all races in one school with standard and forward-thinking education system from the 1950s, then why we cannot maintain one school for all races now? Image source: The National Archives UK)

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Governance 101: The Hard Case for Biometrics vs Indelible Ink

indelible ink election

(Showing the middle finger to indelible ink? Image source:

UPDATE: Read here and here for interesting readers’ comments – an interesting link on how the introduction of biometrics instead of indelible ink could mean millions in revenue for those will be supplying the whole package and why it is not worth the investment in the first place.

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Governance 101: Yes, It’s A Suicide Verdict But….

teoh beng hock MACC suicide

(So, this was “suicide due to guilt feeling” back then but with a twist now – it is driven to suicide by aggressive interrogation. No matter how we look at it, Teoh Beng Hock should not be dead in the first place – it is a tragic loss and failure by MACC to conduct its business in the right way)

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