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Religion 101: Oh No, Darwin Been Banned in Malaysia


(Book on Darwin is banned in Malaysia. What is the criteria to ban a book? What constitutes a great endangerment of public harmony? It gets rather ugly when a book is banned just because it goes against one’s personal values and beliefs. Cartoon source:

Still, saying that the implementation of hudud will not impact the non-Muslims? Well, think again.

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Religion 101: Hudud – 1 Country, 2 Sets of Laws


( – should Islamic law take over precedent over conventional law if the conventional already exist and been applied by the courts of the country? Why not improve on the existing laws and enforce it instead of bringing in another set of law that does not apply to all? Why reinvent the wheel? Cartoon source: The Net)

The issue of hudud have been in the news lately and there have been plenty of statements made in public and by various parties including from both side of the fence, supporting for or opposing the implementation of hudud.

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Big Boss’ Rules


One day when I entered his to clean up, I noticed a hand-written “ of the room” pasted on his cabinet. The must have worked on it when he was alone in his room the night before and when we had told him to do his (now I know why he took hours to finish up his homework).

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MH370: Oh Wait! Listen to This!

(Presenting the Prime Ministerrrrrr, no Najib is the PM, oh well, presenting the First Lady of Malaysiaaaa, errr no as well, the Queen is the First Lady of …oh never mind. The fact is this is a very very touching moment indeed but it is an overkill to overdo it. Image source: The Star)

Hmmm, you noticed something?

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 1

water prepping ration

( includes stocking up enough water. More people means higher water consumption and coupled with a longer run of the dry season causes a dangerous level at the water catchment areas. Image source: TheStar)

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Technology 101: Bootloops, Internet & Shitty Service Center


(I love the icons at the bottom – it was a very cool theme but unfortunately with a hidden time bomb and had to resort to looking for a service center. Image source: Google Play)

It happened once when I still had my trusted N8 and not surprisingly it has happened again

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Governance 101: MH370 Tragedy – Interpol Hits Back at Malaysia


(It is not the first time the Malaysian authorities had some differences with Interpol. This is from the Wikipedia – Journalist Hamza Kashgari, who in February 2012 fled his home country of Saudi Arabia to avoid prosecution for apostasy, and was subsequently arrested in . The Royal Malaysian Police initially asserted that they had arrested Kashgari because they had received an Interpol Red Notice request to do so. However, Interpol stated that no such notice had been issued, and the Malaysian police retracted their claim. Image source:

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 28 March 2014


(News snippet – only in Malaysia this happens on a regular basis and it is not a laughing matter. After all, this country is best of the best when it comes to corruption-free Government and corruption fighting agencies, eh?. Cartoon source:

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MH370: Time to Reassess the Shortcomings


(Substitute the chill beer, wine and other liquors on a board with locally made, sugar high cendol and a plane is guaranteed not to crash into the sea – so says a joker in Malaysia. Perhaps he is right but then again this is not the right time and the place to say these things. Some people just don’t get it, do they? Image source:

The fate of the missing plane has somehow been determined – more or less. We can only say our deepest condolences to the families of the crew and passengers of and hope they would find some kind of closure and peace over the lost of their loved ones. MH370 will be remembered.

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MH370: The Transport Minister


The case of a missing plane is no laughing matter but then again, seeing this image on Facebook reminds me of the need for Malaysian who intending to be and Deputy Ministers to have the right qualifications, knowledge and when the shit does hit the fan.

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MH370: The World of Conspiracies

Let’s run through the latest updates on for the past 1 week. It does not look great but then again, perhaps no at all could be good news . There’s still hope.


(Summing up the status on MH370 as at today – click on the image to enlarge it. Infographic source:

When we first heard about the missing plane, we were anxious, very worried and feared for the worse. We were practically glued to the TV for days waiting for any positive news. One week down the line, we were still hopeful despite the search & rescue team not finding any clues or wreck of the plane.

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