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January 2017

Know Your Car Basics 101: Scary Wiper Scare & Brilliant Kapchai Ban Proposal


(Things to keep an eye for – failing wipers. Image source:

It has been and dogs lately…

It was raining heavily when I went to work one fine morning – I predicted an increased traffic jam due to the rain and a couple of morons speeding and changing lane without any indicators during the heavy rain. I switched on the wipers and immediately I noticed something not right. It was squeaking and as the wipers go up and down, it started to bend considerably.

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Nuisance 101: Damn, I Hate Cats! They Are So Evil!

WARNING: Cat lovers, walk away right now…you may not like this post. You have been warned!


(Cats are evil indeed – something in their eyes when they stare at you when you trying to chase it away from your home. Image source:

One of the joys of moving a new house many years ago was the chance to do up a garden.

It was a joy because we used to stay in apartments which do not enough space for a garden (I mean a proper garden where we can dig in and plant things). So when I had the chance to buy a house of my own, I had great ideas on what I wanted to do with my garden, starting with beautiful carpet grass.

And when my dad retired and looking for a hobby to spend his time at home, he took up gardening. And he was good at it too – a mango tree at the front, several types of flowering plants and he would spend hours running through the carpet grass to look for weeds. At one point, carpet grass was clean and trimmed and was wonderful to walk on.

And then evil descended at my neighbourhood…

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The Fifa Puskas Award 2016

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Congratulations – Malaysia Boleh!!!

The Puskas is an award established on 20 October 2009 by the Fédération Internationale de Association (FIFA), at the behest of then-president Sepp Blatter, in order to award the player, male or female, judged to have scored the most aesthetically significant, or “most beautiful”, goal of the calendar year.… [Click to read the rest] “The Fifa Puskas Award 2016”

2016 – Crashing Out before Going into 2017


(Close your eyes and think for a second – are we doing the right things? Are we saying the right things? Are we putting ourselves in others shoes? Image source:

The year came to a close with a bang – an !!

Couple of days before the end of 2016, on my last working day for the year, I got up as usual at about 6.45 am (because of school holidays) and at about 7.30 am, I left the house with a relaxed mind. The roads were clear and I was looking forward on the long holidays for the and thereafter. My son had orientation day on the last day of the year and I was looking forward to that as well.

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