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February 2017

Year 2017: The Day I Became Car Wash Centre Worker

car wash

(This is probably the worst ever. But the true horror is seeing your loved vehicles being man-handled at the car wash centres and being blasted with cheap detergents & shampoos that can rust the car body and wash half done properly and you still need to pay for it. This was one thing that we decided not to do when and if we decided to open our own car wash centre)

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Before You Can Reach for Space, Learn to Grow Up First

Read these first:-


( – this is where the future lies and we need to look beyond, move beyond our comfort zone. Image source:

Well, let’s read this interesting piece of development when it comes to the direction of the nation:-

now has a National Policy to allow the country to look into developing technologies related to aerospace and turn it into a new economic contributor.

With the policy in place, authorities can plan to develop this sector systematically and ensure it is well managed so that the nation will benefit from it.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that fields related to space science, be it research or creating new technologies, have vast potential and he was confident that Malaysia could become a significant contributor to the world in these areas.

The Prime Minister said he was happy to read about the success story of astrophysics PhD student Nurul Adlyka Ainul Annuar, whose discovery in the field of astronomy made headlines around the world.


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Economy 101: Wastage of Taxpayers Money, The Denials

taxpayers matrix no spoon

(Still, remember the “no spoon” scene in The Matrix? Do you understand the meaning of the scene? I had always thought of it as something not real and yet you see it with your own eyes. Same goes for of . Image source: Matrix Fans)

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World News 2017: Selective Trump’s Immigration Bans


(The omission was too glaring and that simply adds to the unfairness of the whole affair. Image source:

Well, it finally happened – that “The Apprentice” guy, Donald becomes the 45th President of the United States of America on 20th January 2017.

So it was not a big surprise when Trump decided to “shake” things down once he had officially taken office – Trump has been talking about throughout his election campaign. And that includes his promise to build the wall against Mexico (funding aside) and stopping people from certain countries from entering the country.

Read More »World News 2017: Selective Trump’s Immigration Bans