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June 2020

Favourite Hindi Song 101: Mesmerising Bichdann by Himesh Reshammiya 2012

Hindi Sonakshi Sinha Song Movie Son of Sardaar

I am not sure why but it seems like most of my favourite songs in my playlist has Sinha as the lead actress (a mere coincidence?). This is from the 2012 , Son of Sardaar starring , . Image source: BHM Pics.

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Movie Review 101: 5 Reasons Why The Empire Strikes Back is the Best Star Wars Movie

star wars the empire strikes back movie george lucas

It started off in this post and I then realised that I have yet to make a proper review of which I personally think is the best movie in the whole universe. Poster source: Pinterest

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Space 101: High Tech, Impressive Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

Perseverance mars rover nasa space 2020

When it comes to exploration and in particular the (the famed ), an important event scheduled to take place next month in July 2020 – ‘s 5th MARS rover is scheduled to be launched and is expected to land in MARS on February 2021. Information & Image Sources: Wikipedia & NASA & JPL

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 94 – A Sense of False Security On The Horizon

lockdown RMCO covid19 outbreak MOH

Considering the number of infection has gone down at the start of July 2020 (now we are seeing single-digit new infections), the Government announced a more relaxed known as Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO).

As at yesterday, only has 408 active cases (compared to Singapore with 8,735 active cases) and the number of recoveries continues to beat the number of new infections with an impressive 93.80% recovery rate. Statistics source: Health Ministry

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Dreams 101: The Grand Old King of the Secret Forest

King dreams thailand

(I have always imagined the grand rulers in my to be played by Yul Brynner who also took up the majestic role of a brave, intelligent sovereign in the classic movie King and I. Image source: Pinterest)

Note – this of an Old King in a secret forest was expanded from a dream that I had some time ago and was published in another blog of mine.

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Religion 101: An Uplifting Journey Of An Agnostic Atheist

pray science covid19 pandemic outbreak

(A simple question – in light of on the loose on a global scale, when was the last time you saw or religious miracle workers healed an infected patient? In the end, it is modern , medical advances and a good dose of common sense that prevailed. Image source: Facebook)

Well, I am not sure if there is a term called an atheist when it comes to religion & beliefs. Anyway, when one talks about religion or their beliefs, it has always been my personal contention that it should be something personal – just between you and the Al-Mighty and such beliefs should not be forced onto others.

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Blogging 101: 6 Boring Things To Do To Revitalise Old Blog Posts

blogging cartoon

When I have free time for , I spent most of the time drafting posts for the upcoming publications. It has never been a smooth process considering that I have general ideas but when it comes to the details, I would just stare at the screen contemplating the words to use – to start the post off and then go clueless on what comes next. Cartoon source: Danziger / New York Times

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 81 – Going Back to Work And A New Normal

lockdown singapore covid19

Ever since the lock down (MCO) was announced by the Government on 18th March 2020, I have been working from home. Image source: Victor He on Unsplash

We were only allowed to venture out to buy the essential items or for medical needs. Then on 1st May 2020, the Government announced a more relaxed called CMCO – conditional movement control order. Then on 10th May 2020, this relaxed lock down was extended to 9th June 2020.

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Blogging 101: 3 Types of Bad Youtube Videos You Should NOT Watch

Youtube video streaming internet

In these social media days, hardly a day goes by when one will not be in touch with social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and of course, . Over the years, I have come to rely on sites for my dose of debates, motivation talks, travels, documentaries, interviews, how-to-do tutorials, comedy, videos, concerts, movies and other forms of entertainment. Image Source: Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

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