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Books 101: Cleaning, Sorting and Cataloguing A Dusty Packed Library in Goodreads

Goodreads Book Library

One public holiday last month provided me with a dilemma – either I fix the leak from the washing machine that my wife has been complaining about or clean up my library and update the book catalogue at Goodreads. Image source: Good E Reader

In the end, I decided on the latter with the fix on the washing machine postpone to the weekends so that if something goes wrong, I can rush to the hardware store for replacement parts.

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Religion 101: Oh No, Darwin Been Banned in Malaysia


(Book on Darwin is banned in Malaysia. What is the criteria to ban a book? What constitutes a great endangerment of public harmony? It gets rather ugly when a book is banned just because it goes against one’s personal values and beliefs. Cartoon source:

Still, saying that the implementation of hudud will not impact the non-Muslims? Well, think again.

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Big Boss’ Rules


One day when I entered his room to clean up, I noticed a hand-written “rules of the room” pasted on his cabinet. The boss must have worked on it when he was alone in his room the night before and when we had told him to do his homework (now I know why he took hours to finish up his homework).

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