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Attitude 101: Being Polite Part 2


(Polite customer – does it sounds familiar? Cartoon source:

I still recall stand-up comedian Kumar’s joke – when he walked into a high-class boutique, the salesgirl looked at him from head to toe with a puzzled face that asked: “do you have money to buy things?”

He, of course, got annoyed with the treatment that he got from the salesgirl that he proceeded to buy something very expensive and paid for it with coins.

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Attitude 101: Being Polite Part 1

lock down queue polite

(How often you have impatient & impolite people behind the counter treating you like you owe them something?)

Just the other day, I watched the movie “Invictus” and noticed that (excellently acted by Morgan Freeman) was a very man. He was courteous and well mannered even to his “ex-enemies”.

In case you missed , the movie was about a leader who was trying to get his country united – bringing people from various background, culture and race as one nation (this movie should be watched by some so-called leaders in Malaysia – they can learn a thing or two if their ego is not bigger than their brain) through the game of rugby (played by a majority white).

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Governance 101: Overseas Malaysians’ Home Calling!

home calling malaysia

(Calling overseas Malaysians back home acknowledges the fact that there is a brain drain is one thing BUT taking the right steps to stop them from leaving in the first place is a whole different ball game. Can the Government do it? Image source:

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