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Cost of Living

Event 2018: Some Good Things & Some Tragedies So Far


(Miracle do happen! Karma does exist! For the first time in history, in the opposition will form the Federal and take extra states compared to the last elections. It’s is time to clean up the nation and enforce the rule of law. Photo source: NSTP)

I can’t believe that I last blogged back in September 2017 – time does flies fast when one is not looking

Well, it is not that I had lost interest in blogging (I still do drafts now and then but don’t have the time to complete them) but I found that given the very little time that I have apart from work & family, typing on issues and events over the social media & instant messages (Facebook, Twitter and the countless Whatsapp Groups) is more convenient (just hit the “Share” button and your message gets through) compared to blogging which takes time as I tend to do more research and review the drafts over and over again.

Read More »Event 2018: Some Good Things & Some Tragedies So Far

Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?


(Whether it is a private jet or a public abuse of trust and power – such nonsense cannot be tolerated at any level even for a high ranking politician’s wife. Just because it is approved by the , don’t these people who fly have some internal conscience or they are just corrupt to the core? They must be counting their blessings that they are not in China. Cartoon source: Zunar @ Malaysiakini)

Read More »Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?

Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants

restaurant price increase

When the announcement on the fuel price was made, the near my work place lost not time increasing the food prices.

It cost us more now for breakfast and lunch at this restaurant now  – teh tarik went up from RM1.00 to RM1.20, burger up by another 20 cents and roti canai up by another 10 cents.… [Click to read the rest] “Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants”

What’s with the 30 cents increase?

30 cents

(Are we driving the right car to be concerned with 30 cents increase in price? Cartoon source: and copyright by John Fewings)

I heard about the so called “covert” increase in when I was still in Bangkok. It hit me hard when I returned to and found the plain mee goreng at my favorite joint has gone up by 20 cents at the stroke of midnight!… [Click to read the rest] “What’s with the 30 cents increase?”