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Quotable Quotes 2019: Dr Sudha Murty’s Thought Provoking Quote


Got this in my Whatsapp this morning and given that I am not from India, I was curious on only one thing – who is this (I found later that she is a Padma Shri Dr) and how or what made her to quote this?

By the way, the actual complete quote is this:-

“With my experience in life, I want to tell you that having good relationships, compassion and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees or money.”

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Religion 101: Sadhguru and Zakir Naik Compared

Sadhguru – “We don’t need more Hindus, more Christians, or more Muslims – we need more Buddhas, more Jesuses, and more Krishnas – then there will be true change. Every being has that inner potential”

Read These First:-


(All the characteristics of a and more – has it all but he is also practical and a man who uses science as means to the end. He explains the basic of science & the impact clearer to a layman than in a science book – Image Source: Quora)

I have been following up with the teaching & speeches of Sadhguru in the past few years, not because he talks about Hinduism alone – most of the times he doesn’t even mention Hinduism – but rather he is one of the first Hindu Yogi who spoke more sense and does not shy away from the real issues that confront the world today – economy disparity, the abuse of power and worsening of the environment and the impact on humans.

Yes at the same time, he infuses the teachings and way of life as a Hindu in his talks but it is done very implicitly in forms of the laws of the universe, yoga, dharma and morality.

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2010 Reflection: Sorry, I’m Striving To Be An Idealist

idealist human nature

(Acknowledging one as an and doing something means different thing to different people. Perhaps it makes more sense when you see what is the opposite of idealist. Image source: Thesaurus)

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