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Environment 101: Toilets -When Some Malaysians Unfairly Laugh At India

India Toilet Akshay Kumar Movie

India is often criticized by some Malaysian commenters for its lack of toilets, which is a serious issue that has been addressed by various initiatives and even a movie. However, these commenters tend to ignore that other countries including Malaysia also face sanitation challenges. Therefore, it is unfair and biased to single out India for this problem without acknowledging the broader context and the efforts made to solve it. Image source: IMDB

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2010 Reflection: Sorry, I’m Striving To Be An Idealist

idealist human nature

(Acknowledging one as an idealist and doing something ideal means different thing to different people. Perhaps it makes more sense when you see what is the opposite of idealist. Image source: Thesaurus)

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Malaysia 101: Fine Dealing With Some Two Minded Civil Servants

slogan najib civil servant

(“People First, Performance Now,” says the PM where slogans like this look good on paper but matter little to civil servants who suppose to be upholding such slogans. Image source: Slides Share)

With the advent of technology, my wife having a car on her own and me having to fly out very often, it has been some time since I had to face a civil servant for something really important.

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