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World Affairs 101: The Great Tragic Loss of Beautiful Kabul to Taliban

Taliban Afghanistan Kabul Islamic Lashes

This happened as recent as April 2020 where the Taliban decided and lashed out 40 lashes at a helpless woman whose crime is only talking to a young man on the phone. And suddenly some like Hadi Awang decided that the Taliban have changed for the better. Image source: The Observers.

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Overseas Assignment 2007: KL to Dubai to Kabul, The Hectic Journey – Part 1


Let me break it up into several “parts” the story of my travel from Malaysia to Kabul (my 2nd home for this year) – too tired to write in full (Image Source: Politico Magazine):-

Part 1 – From KLIA to Dubai

Part 2 – From Dubai to Kabul

Part 3 – Arrival in Kabul

The journey from KLIA to Dubai…

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Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?


This is what was going in my mind now as I am sitting in my office on a Saturday night, pondering over an issue that my colleague in Kabul have just sent me over the email. Image source: Politico Magazine

The matter was not on the issue but more disturbing was another email  – from the client’s CEO to my big boss requesting me to be assigned to Kabul to help out on the system. Flattering I must say that the client’s CEO added the word “competent staff” but as much as I wanted to go, there are other factors running through my mine now.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?