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Kuala Lumpur

History 101: National Museum – Unveiling the Treasures of Our Pasts

Muzium Negara Museum History KL Landmark

When it comes to unravelling the rich tapestry of a nation’s and , few places can rival the in . Nestled in the heart of ‘s capital, this iconic institution offers a captivating journey through time, showcasing the diverse heritage and remarkable stories that have shaped the country.

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Scary Wiper Scare & Brilliant Kapchai Ban Proposal


(Things to keep an eye for – failing wipers. Image source:

It has been cats and dogs lately…

It was raining heavily when I went to work one fine morning – I predicted an increased jam due to the rain and a couple of morons and changing lane without any indicators during the heavy rain. I switched on the wipers and immediately I noticed something not right. It was squeaking and as the wipers go up and down, it started to bend considerably.

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Parenting 101: Siti Tragedy, When We Look the Wrong Way…

Siti Soffea Emelda

The grab above, which shows Emelda being led by a man out of Kota Raya Komplex, could possibly be the last moment Siti Soffea Emelda was seen alive.

The image was taken by police from the shopping centre located in Puduraya on the day Soffea was abducted by the man and hours later found dead with her head severed on the bank of Klang River. Image source: Malay Mail

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Driving Skills 101: Speed Demons on Highway 2

YouTube player

(There is always a limit to everything we do and a limit to is there for obvious reasons. Slow down and you will live longer. Some idiots would never learn no matter what happens when one speeds over the on the highway)

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too 2

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(What we need in Ops Sikap is more stringent enforcement instead of just enforcement – it is high time the police get tough with hardcore traffic law abusers. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the police alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely JPJ who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and -related activities

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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – Part 2

kota bahru PAS kelantan

(“Membangun bersama Islam” or translated as “Growth through Islam” was the slogan of the day as we entered the state of Kelantan onwards to Kota Bahru. PAS still holding to the seat of the State Government despite the slow creep of modernization to the State)

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Malaysia 101: Twisted One Sided History In Malaysia?

Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters. ~African Proverb

history sejarah malaysia

(I still remember this – the book that I used when I was young and in school. The content was more balanced then than now where it is structured to show one side of race and religion. Image source: Blues Riders)

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