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Project Management 101: India’s Impressive Operation Ganga in Ukraine

India Indian Ukraine Russia War Conflict Map

The Ukraine crisis with Russia has been ongoing since 2014 but the full military action by Russia only happened on 21st February 2022 and this forced a huge refugee crisis and forced all other countries like India & Malaysia to quickly evacuate their citizens & staff from Ukraine before it becomes too late. Image source: Al Jazeera

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Elections 101: Personal Reflection On Malacca State Elections & Pakatan’s Poor Results

Malacca Elections

Frankly speaking, the Malacca state elections was an event that should NOT have happened in the first place and caused the taxpayers RM46 million. Image source: Wikipedia

It happened because 4 politicians from the ruling BN + PN coalition decided to rebel and pulled out their support for the existing State Government. Back then BN+PN had 14 seats against Pakatan’s 11 seats and once this happened, PH had one seat advantage that could have seen them taking over the state.

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Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup

Cabinet Bloomberg Sabri

A snapshot from Bloomberg on Sabri’s “new” cabinet is very damaging because it is an important publication for foreign investors does not look good. One should note keywords like  “old baggage” and “not a promising beginning”. It is an opportunity missed to make a difference. Image source: TwitterRead More »Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup