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Overseas Assignment 101: Kabul – When Its Good Coming Back Home

Kabul Afghanistan Taliban

The stark contrast between the serene beauty of the Malaysian landscape and the rugged, war-torn terrain of is a constant reminder of home. Each day, as I navigate the chaotic streets of Kabul, the familiar sights and sounds of seem distant and cherished. The juxtaposition of these two worlds makes it difficult to escape a longing for the peace and tranquility of my homeland.

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Parliament 101: Searching For Good Malaysian MPs These Days

parliament MPs

It’s tough to be a good MP these days. The real good ones are either in the or in the “wilderness” after being suspended. Others are quietly sitting down in the corner and have decided to play safe. Image source: the Net

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What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?

This is great.We finally have short listed couple of to be blasted off to . They were celebrated in big way yesterday. The DPM out of the blue assured the Malaysians that the is not spending a single cent on the space programme as it is part of the package when we bought the Sukhoi jet fighters (those who can think may ask DPM whether this meant the Government paid more, upfront, for the jets but that besides the point right?)
[Click to read the rest] “What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?”