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Religion 101: Understanding the 10 Types of Sins in Hindu Philosophy

Temple USA Religion Sins

In , the concept of , known as “paap,” plays a significant role in shaping one’s moral and conduct. According to the Smritis, there are ten types of sins categorized into three groups. Image source: Merchant Circle

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2016 – Crashing Out before Going into 2017


(Close your eyes and think for a second – are we doing the right things? Are we saying the right things? Are we putting ourselves in others shoes? Image source:

The year 2016 came to a close with a bang – an !!

Couple of days before the end of 2016, on my last working day for the year, I got up as usual at about 6.45 am (because of school holidays) and at about 7.30 am, I left the house with a relaxed mind. The roads were clear and I was looking forward on the long holidays for the and thereafter. My son had orientation day on the last day of the year and I was looking forward to that as well.

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Governance 101: Rukunegara, Things That We Have Forgotten


How do you guys been doing lately? Do you still remember Rukunegara?

The last post I did was way back in early July and I considered that is a very long gap when it comes to blogging. My sincere apologies for missing from the blogosphere. It is not that I had stopped blogging but rather I have been busy – very, very busy indeed on something else.

For last 3 months and hopefully continuing into the coming months, I have spending my weekends rather religiously on activities that makes me achieve my daily target of 10,000 steps on my pedometer, cause me to sweat like hell and drink more than 8 cups of water (well it is more than 4 litres per day). Image source: Android Authority

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Law 101: Do We Accept Morally Wrong, Legally Clean Act?

nazri aziz politician morally

(Morally wrong is ok no matter how serious it is! says the Minister in Parliament)

Remember the – “it looks like me, it sounds like me but it is not me” from a character called VK Lingam? Well, there are no limits to what Malaysian can do to stop such stupid statements.

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History 101: An Important Lesson on Morality

Morality Nuremberg Trials History

Taking place just after World War 2 and judged by the victors, there was a question if these accused were judged on grounds of legality or on the issue of . The Nuremberg Trials was a series of 13 trials that took place in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949. They were held by the Allies (the United States, the Soviet Union, France and Great Britain) to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. Image source: Spoken Word

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