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National Security

Military 101: Royal Malaysian Air Force’s Reliable Transport Carriers

RMAF TUDM CN-235 Transport Military

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) even converted some of the CN-235 transport planes into maritime patrol roles which says a lot about the capabilities of a modern, well-designed transportation aircraft. Image source: Wikipedia.

When it comes to the air force’s mainstream inventory, one would often fancy their latest lineup of the latest jet fighters and perhaps their heavily armed & armoured attack helicopters but no one talks about the workhorse of the air force, the transport carriers.

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National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out

Rohingya Refugee Boat Sea Intrusion

According to UNHCR, there are about 179,570 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia as of the end of May 2021. Out of this rather understated number, there are about 102,950 Rohingyas and this does not include the thousands more that keep sneaking into the country illegally. They already started to become a national headache and a serious threat to our national security.[Click to read the rest] “National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out”

Military 101: The Fuss About Israel’s Iron Dome Air Defence System

iron dome Israel air defence system military missiles

In recent days, the world saw the interesting show of force from Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system against the Hamas’ rockets fired from Gaza. The question is whether this is a new concept or it is an evolution of an old aged air defence system that integrates air radars, fire control station and fast intercepting missile? Image source: India Today

Read More »Military 101: The Fuss About Israel’s Iron Dome Air Defence System