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Driving Skills 101: Constant Parking Paranoia Crisis

Parking car lot driving

With more people having cars and too many selfish idiots who don’t think of others, getting the right parking spot is fast becoming more crucial too. Photo by Stephan Müller from Pexels

Call me paranoid but the last thing I want to do is to park my car somewhere far from the restaurant where I am having my dinner.

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Highway 101: What A Mild Road Rage?

Parking car lot driving road rage

Incidents of road rage are usually triggered by an idiot who provoked others by either tail-gating or road-hogging. Sometimes abuse of the emergency lane and inconsiderate parking have the same road rage effect. Photo by Stephan Müller from Pexels 

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Design 101: Dealing With Bad Design in IJN Parking

IJN Design

The new IJN has an issue when it comes to design which is the process of creating something that meets a specific purpose or goal. Design can be applied to many fields, such as art, engineering, architecture, software, etc. Design involves planning, researching, sketching, prototyping, testing, and evaluating the outcome. Image source: Google

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