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Malaysia 101: Key Factors On Zahid Hamidi’s DNAA Decision

Zahid Hamidi Parliament DNAA Legal

One fact that cannot be dismissed from the way the political parties have been behaving after the decision by the Attorney General on ‘s case is that they are not ready or capable to be effective mechanisms to do a proper check & balance on the current . Screenshot: Youtube/Astro

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History 101: Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang – Great & Noble National Contributions Recognised

Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang DAP Parliament

I always regarded as a true Statesman who had only looked at things beyond race & religion and had always fought for the rights of ordinary Malaysians. Here’s the photo of him being sworn in as a for the first time in 1971 at the age of 30. He was elected in 1969 but was suspended for two years under an Emergency. Image source: Free Malaysia Today.

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Parliament 101: What Is The Role Of A Strong Opposition In A Democracy?

parliament MPs opposition democracy

In a matured democracy, the serves many purposes and one of the key components to prove that democracy is alive & kicking is the role played by the side of the . Without a strong Opposition to keep the Government on its toes, the Parliament will be is nothing but a mere rubber stamp to all the nonsense that the Government will do. Image source: The Net

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Politics 101: Urgent MOU By Unity Government, Just How Good Is It?

MOU, Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Harapan, Unity Government

It is not an ideal situation that many had expected where signs a memorandum of understanding () before the first sitting of the and is forced to work closely with the other side of the spectrum i.e. , GPS, and GRS in a unity government where the may be restricted in some areas. Image source: Free Malaysia Today

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Malaysian Government 2022: Unity Govt Cabinet – Mixed, Not the Best but Unavoidable

Anwar Ibrahim Government Cabinet 2022 Pakatan Harapan

Before anyone goes and criticizes for names shortlisted for Anwar’s , one needs to remember that this is not the Pakatan Harapan but is a government that Pakatan Harapan is forced to join to avoid Perikatan Nasional becoming the next Government. Image source: Twitter.

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General Elections 2022: GE15 – Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses

2022 GE15 Elections Malaysia Map Parliament

GE15 results were predictable but the end showed how racial and religious the country has been with the North & East of the Peninsular going to the radial Perikatan Nasional (PN) whilst the West & South to (PH) with (BN) picking the middle. East squarely went to the dominant GRS & GPS coalition. Image source: Wikipedia

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General Elections 2022: What Are The Best Odds For a PH Win in GE15?

malaysia parliament GE14 GE15 PH Pakatan Harapan elections

In the 2018 General , the people of went out in force and gave a massive 113 parliamentary seats, and together with Warisan from , Pakatan Harapan formed the next with a total of 121 seats. suffered its worst defeat by losing its hold on the Federal for the first time. Image source: Bloomberg / Yahoo Finance.

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General Elections 2022: DAP & Dumb Attacks Despite Running Only 24% Seats

Blogging Lim Kit Siang DAP Laptop Pakatan Harapan

As far as I can remember, my late father has been for every time the country had general . I personally was attracted to them not only for their mission to see a fair nation for all but also to YB who was probably one of the first to embrace the new school of using blogs and social media to share his political thoughts. Image source: Free Malaysia Today

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General Elections 2022: Some Quick Updates On Pakatan Harapan’s Strong Candidates

General Election Pakatan Harapan Charles Santiago

The upcoming general have started to see some immediate causalities and this includes YB who is the MP for Klang for the last 3 terms. And looking at the list of possible candidates, not all candidates are standing in the same seat as the one that they won in the last . Is this a new from PH in facing BN & PN in the coming general elections? Image source: Malaysiakini

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Budget 2023: Why We Are Not Addressing Financial Leakages & Wastages?

National Budget Malaysia Economy Deficit

always had a deficit national where The had always spent more than what it can collect except for the so-called golden years between 1993 to 1997 when the budget recorded a surplus and also low deficit budgets in between. Image source: Trading Economics.

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Malaysia 101: MIC Former President Samy Vellu (1936 – 2022) & Unresolved Case of MAIKA

samy vellu snippet

One cannot forget the many funny quotes uttered by the late Tun who was the minister under ‘s handling 2 main portfolios covering public works, energy, telecommunication and post and who was also the long-serving president of the Malaysian India Congress (). Image source: Wikipedia

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Elections 101: Can Pakatan Harapan Attract Young Dynamic UNDI18 Voters?

Malaysia Pakatan Harapan 2018 Elections

It is expected that the country will see an additional 5.8 million new in the next general and all political parties including will be looking forward to these new voters for them. Image source: NST

However, be very mindful that the young voters are more tech-savvy, educated, well aware of the constraints & abuses of race and religion in their future development and are indeed quite concerned about the direction of the nation. The question is how attractive the current political parties are to these new voters.

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