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Technology 101: Android 14 – Moving On To Latest & Powerful OS

Investment Smartphone Apps Android

Starting with Android 4, I moved to Android 9 and continued using it until in early 2024, I started getting notices that the OS was outdated and I needed to move on to at least Android 11 if still wanted to use some of the apps. Based on my experience thus far, it takes about five years before my smartphone no longer supports the latest software updates or starts experiencing hardware malfunctions. Image source: Unsplash/TechDaily

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Kingdom of Cambodia 2020: Part 4 – Glorious, Delicious Food at Designated Hotel

food cambodia dinner lunch breakfast

One of the benefits of staying in a designated hotel is that we don’t have to go far for food – everything is delivered to the room. It is the same case here considering that we are not allowed to venture out for food and other shopping.

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Delicious Food in Cape Verde – Part 4 (Dinner)

Read these first:-

When in Cape Verde, I rarely take my dinner mainly because it will be too late at night to order something from the hotel kitchen (I don’t want them to scrap the leftovers). Further I would be very sleepy by the time I reach the hotel room so it has been easy for me to take the shower and hit the bed than walk down to the hotel restaurant.

But nonetheless, there are times when I would be very hungry and it just happens that we are back from office early, so instead of having something light in the hotel room (namely instant noodles or biscuits). Maggi instant noodles far away from home and at cold nights is simply heaven sent – any Malaysians will confirm that.

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