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Delicious Food in Cape Verde – Part 3 (Gravy)


One thing that any true blue Malaysian must have when they are having their plain white rice for breakfast, lunch or dinner is gravy.

Rice unfortunately is the staple food in this part of the world and gravy have been a “close partner” when it comes to have a rice based dish. This is why you will see a Malaysian’ face glowing with anticipation when he order Nasi Kandar at our local mamak restaurants – the guy handling the dishes will wipe 2-3 gravy from the various curries into your plate.

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Delicious Food in Cape Verde – Part 2 (Lunch)

Read Part 1 (Breakfast) here


(Cape Verde is blessed with abundance of sea food especially tuna for lunch which we can get in a bigger chunks here compared to in Malaysia. The vegetables however is nothing to shout about – we can get better vegetables here in Malaysia)

One of the key SOP when we are working at customer’s site is that firstly we minimize time taken for lunch and secondly we break into 2 teams so that there is always someone around during lunch time.

To ensure we go for lunch fast and back, we decided that it needs to be somewhere nearby (which meant within walking distance), clean (no point having team members on sick leave), a good selection of food (it should not be boring) and if possible, the restaurant staff need to know some level of English.

For lunch, after surveying around & talking to the locals, we basically short listed 3 options (actually there were 4 but last one was not viable as we need transportation to the restaurant and need to be there early, otherwise the food would be sold out).

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Personal 101: An Unexpected Beautiful Valentine Post

Valentine Dave Event

Happy belated Valentine’s Day.

Frankly speaking, I don’t send roses on Valentine for 2 main reasons and it has nothing to do with PAS Youth’s call to boycott Valentine’s Day. 2 reasons – 1. Expression of love should not be confined to one particular day of the year and 2. Price of roses on Valentine’s Day is insanely expensive (unless you have your own rose garden).

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