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Nature 101: Mastering Precious And Limited Water Resource Management

indah water pollution water disruption water resource management

A primary goal in national resource strategies is to augment water reserves, ensuring a sustainable supply for various needs. Concurrently, it’s crucial to minimize non-revenue water—water that is produced but not billed due to factors like leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies. By addressing these challenges, countries can promote water conservation, improve delivery, and enhance the financial viability of water utilities. Image source: Facebook

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Environment 101: Clueless Kelantan PAS & Humourless Water Resource Management

Water Treatment Nature Kelantan

The State of Kelantan seems to be having a huge problem converting raw river into clean to end consumers that meet international standards. However, this is not a question of luxury but a necessity given the demands of the growing population. It is a basic need of everyone. This is why it is very important to plan & manage these natural resources well.

Image source: Ahmed, Minhaz & Mokhtar, Mazlin & Alam, Lubna & Mohamed, Che Abd Rahim & Choo Ta, Goh. (2019). Non-carcinogenic Assessment of Aluminium Ingestion Via Water in . Exposure and Health. 11. 10.1007/s12403-019-00297-w.

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Outbreak 101: Timing & Urgent Need For Certification For New Face Mask

Face Mask, COVID19, Outbreak, ASTM Level 3, SIRIM, Empro

This is the brand that we prescribe nowadays even though it is quite expensive compared to the cheap blue coloured ones sold in supermarkets. We get ours from the local pharmacy and it is a well-made face mask and it is locally made as well.

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National Security 101: Can Anyone Steal Data From Undersea Cables?

undersea cable submarine

A submarine communications cable (or ) is a cable laid on the bed between land-based stations to carry telecommunication signals across stretches of ocean and sea. A large chunk of it passes by the Straits of Malacca which is also one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world these days. Image source: Submarine Cable Map.

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Economy 101: Best of Ferengi’s Rules of Acquisition

ferengi rules of acquisition economy business

Before I started watching Deep Nine over Netflix, the Ferengi must have been one of the ugliest, most snobbish and profit-minded alien in the Star Trek universe. But then watching Quark in Star Trek Deep Space Nine gave another interesting perspective on the Ferengis. Image source: Star

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 5 – Glorious Malaysian Quarantine Meals (2)

quarantine MOH food

One of the key things that caught my eyes when it comes to daily meals during the 14 days is this – the label on top of the meal box. It explains 2 main things namely the date & timing when the meal needs to be finished and the fact that the Ministry of vetted through the daily meal to ensure a balanced meal.

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Malaysian Quality 101: The Tidak Apa Syndrome


A huge difference in with cheap Malaysian made product – nano that is made in or with Korean and conforms to international standards and member of a number of quality associations as displayed on the box. Look at the condition of the sealant at the bottom and it is well made. Image source: Qoo10

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Enforcement 101: Quote of Week – Unsafe Cars

“The lack of demand among for features is the main reason why many vehicles sold in the country do not meet international

proton saga ancap miros crash test unsafe

(Just how many of the locally made had even passed the basic crash test with flying colours? If you know the answer, then you will know that we been screwed with unsafe cars for a very long time now but the question is who’s’ fault is it? Image source: Miros)

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Recycling 101: Pushing to Recycling An Old Car

Volvo Accident Crash Test Safety NCAP Recycling

(When you think of , you will think , and luxury. Now you can add environmentally friendly to the  Volvo brand as well. Image source: WIRED)

The buzz word of the day is recycling and there is no major act from to prioritize recycling in daily life.

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Motorsport 101: What is Malaysian F1 Team Deadly Cost?

formula 1 F1 formula one motorsport

(It is not cheap to run an F1 team even for winning teams and they need to keep winning races if they expect good sponsorship to cover their expenses every year – Image source: Forbes)

There are pros and cons to the ‘s latest adventure into Formula 1 (F1). We thought we had a taste of F1 with Petronas’ involvement with Sauber, BMW and Mercedes and with our own Alex Yoong in the driver’s seat but in the Boleh spirit, we are getting ourselves one notch up in this very expensive sport

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