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Personal 101: Mystery Water Leak & The Living Room Got Flooded Heavily

Water leak disruption tap dry Selangor Bunker

Water leaking in the house can be a nightmare for anyone and personally, we have experienced water leaks in the past before and this was mainly from the rooftop water tank which we end up having to replace twice & one was from rainwater through gaps between roof tiles. Waterproofing the main areas of the bathrooms will be the next DIY project at home. Photo by PS Photography from Pexels.  

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Special Projects 101: Part 5: New Car Makeover 2021 – New Rubber Solves Mysterious Flooding

rubber car makeover restoration project

My makeover project for the car had to take a backseat after June last year as I get to travel less on the road and inability to purchase new changes like rubber linings for the car due to the pandemic. So I rather focussed on the car being kept clean and polished to ensure that it looks new as much as possible. I finally decided to switch my point of servicing the car as it was getting expensive to service an old car at the authorised service centre. Image source: 5-Minutes Craft Youtube

Read More »Special Projects 101: Part 5: New Car Makeover 2021 – New Rubber Solves Mysterious Flooding

Special Projects 101: Part 4: New Car Makeover 2021 – Adding New Steering Cover

Steering Wheel Cover DIY Car Lazada Online Makeover

I knew my childhood stitching skills will come in handy one of these days when I saw this DIY car steering cover were on sale for less than RM20 on Lazada. Image source: Lazada.

My original steering cover already came with leather wrapping when I first bought the car but it was worn out, tired looking and need a replacement fast. Steering wheel cover was not however part of my original makeover project list as there were other items that needed makeover more urgently.

Read More »Special Projects 101: Part 4: New Car Makeover 2021 – Adding New Steering Cover