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Road Users

Enforcement 101: Dumb Motorcyclists, Skinning Them Alive

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning

(The problem with some dumb motorcyclists is that they think that they are invincible especially when they are not wearing any helmets. Initially, I felt the same way too but I recognize that it was nothing but a mirage – unlike those driving cars, you have nothing to protect you from serious injuries. That is why I always ride sensibly and with a good measure of protection – proper jacket, gloves and helmet and abiding traffic rules all the time. Image source: Perak Today)

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Enforcement 101: Quote of Week – Unsafe Cars

“The lack of demand among Malaysians for safety features is the main reason why many vehicles sold in the country do not meet international safety standards”

proton saga ancap miros crash test unsafe

(Just how many of the locally made cars had even passed the basic crash test with flying colours? If you know the answer, then you will know that we been screwed with unsafe cars for a very long time now but the question is who’s’ fault is it? Image source: Miros)

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Driving Skills 101: Unfortunately Raining Idiots on Highway

rain idiot hazard

(The scary part when you are driving in heavy rain is that you are not being sure whether the sight of a dark item in the middle of the highway is a car still moving or a car has hit the barrier and is lying in the middle of the road)

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