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Road Users

Attitude 101: Avoidable Accidents Happens When No One Gives a Damn

accident facebook pesky motorcyclist

accident facebook pesky motorcyclist

A few days ago, a page called “DashCam Owners Malaysia” for obvious reasons uploaded an video that shows a lady motorcyclist casually crossing several lanes without even looking to her right for the on-coming .

Rightfully and deservingly she was hit by a causing her to fly and fall in front of the car. See the grab shots from the video – it is clear that she is in great pain after the accident but most of the commentators on Facebook agreed that she well deserved it.

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Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!

emergency service vehicle ambulance

(An service vehicles refer to the ambulance, fire truck or the vehicles that have their sirens and their strobe lights on. Image source: Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels)

The siren and the strobes are on for a very important reason – it is to warn other to take notice and give way to these emergency service vehicles to move faster and reach their destinations as quickly as possible.… [Click to read the rest] “Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!”

Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(One reason why we need to enforce Ops Sikap – it looks like a plague, idiots on the road without helmet creating a nuisance and endangering others and the worse ones even have young kids on the motorcycle. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and -related activities

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Enforcement 101: Dumb Motorcyclists, Skinning Them Alive

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning

(The problem with some dumb is that they think that they are invincible especially when they are not wearing any helmets. Initially, I felt the same way too but I recognize that it was nothing but a mirage – unlike those , you have nothing to protect you from serious injuries. That is why I always ride sensibly and with a good measure of protection – proper jacket, gloves and and abiding all the time. Image source: Perak Today)

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Enforcement 101: Quote of Week – Unsafe Cars

“The lack of demand among for features is the main reason why many vehicles sold in the country do not meet international

proton saga ancap miros crash test unsafe

(Just how many of the locally made had even passed the basic crash test with flying colours? If you know the answer, then you will know that we been screwed with unsafe cars for a very long time now but the question is who’s’ fault is it? Image source: Miros)

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Driving Skills 101: Unfortunately Raining Idiots on Highway

rain idiot hazard

(The scary part when you are driving in heavy rain is that you are not being sure whether the sight of a dark item in the middle of the is a still moving or a car has hit the barrier and is lying in the middle of the road)

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Attitude 101: A Simple Thank You Reduces Road Tension

thumbs up driving thank you

(Thumbs up as a sign of instead of the middle finger is always welcomed on a stressful drive home, more so after doing a good deed instead of being a nuisance to fellow . Image source: Pinterest)

How many times you have said “Thank You” to someone else today, two days ago, a week ago or a month ago?

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Driving Skills 101: When Dumb Factory Workers Crosses The Road

phone cross road factory workers

(Sometimes it is wise to look left and right before crossing the road, more so if a speeding car is heading your way. Image source:

There are lifeless that cross the road every morning near my residential area and workplace.

To others, they are known as factory workers – lowly paid, the repetitive task assigned and often “foreign” in nature. At their workplace, they are almost like the bee worker, working on a specific task 6 days a week, 12 months in a year. So, the use of their creativity and intelligence is probably limited to choosing the gravy or the flavour of their drink during their lunch break.

Other times, it would be sufficient if they could just follow the simple factory and meet the daily quota.

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Highway 101: Stubborn of the Stubborn

Some still don’t get it, don’t they?

Let’s recap something that was highlighted way before the holidays:-

will no longer be given discounts on summons fines beginning from Monday.

According to an internal directive issued to all police divisions today, traffic offenders will have to pay the compound fines according to the computer generated summonses and appeals for discounts or waivers will no longer be entertained.

[Click to read the rest] “Highway 101: Stubborn of the Stubborn”

Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(It is already bad for for already losing the State of no thanks to self-centred frogs, do you want to lose the support of the people too ah? Stop supporting the otherwise, you will never gain the trust of the people. Image source: Malaysiakini)

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Enforcement 101: What, RM1,000 fine cancelled?

enforcement fine traffic law police summon

(A simple question – if there are 2 situations where the amount is different – one is RM300 and another RM1,000, in which situation you think will make this offender who is using the lane to cut to think twice? Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

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Driving Skills 101: 5 Types of Drivers Who Misuse the Indicators

This is what I usually shout when some idiots cut into my lane without using their indicators…

Car indicator signal driving skill

(Some people are still clueless on the nature and function of this stick sticking out from the steering column. Image source: Kuni BMW @ )

After I had embarked on my personal ‘Overhaulin‘ project, many things have changed – I have become more careful when I am on the road these days.

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