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2010 Reflection: Sorry, I’m Striving To Be An Idealist

idealist human nature

(Acknowledging one as an idealist and doing something ideal means different thing to different people. Perhaps it makes more sense when you see what is the opposite of idealist. Image source: Thesaurus)

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Enforcement 101: Discounting Outstanding Summons Part 2

enforcement fine traffic law police summon

(When it comes to enforcement agencies, we have the means to start things like the ability to issue summons but we sometimes lack the means to end things. We lack the enforcement of the law. Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

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Driving Skills 101: 5 Types of Drivers Who Misuse the Indicators

This is what I usually shout when some idiots cut into my lane without using their indicators…

Car indicator signal driving skill

(Some people are still clueless on the nature and function of this stick sticking out from the steering column. Image source: Kuni BMW @ Youtube)

After I had embarked on my personal ‘Overhaulin’ project, many things have changed – I have become more careful when I am on the road these days.

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