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Driving Skills 101: Where’s Your Helmet, Stupid?

helmet stupid motorcyclist

(Lawless in Tenang or stupidity on the highest level where kids can ride bikes without any license or helmet? The fatso in the front seems very happy – I wonder how his parents will feel when this fatso is knocked down by a car and his unprotected head cracks open on the hard surface of the road, turning him into a living vegetable for rest of his life? Image source: NST, Rosdan Wahid – 29 Jan 2011)

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Technology 101: Finding The Safest Airplane Seat

airplane seat safest

(Chances of survival in case of a crash – pick your seats wisely – it may even keep you alive in the unlikely situation. Note the irony of things – you pay more for Business Class but your chances of survival are even slimmer. Photo by Sourav Mishra from Pexels)

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National Security 101: African Menace in Puchong


(I spent more than 5 months in West Africa – culturally it is very challenging but interesting. In the same manner, foreigners in Malaysia need to adapt to the local culture and respect the law too. When that does not happen, we have a problem. A member of a scam syndicate caught operating in the country – image source: The Coverage)

I don’t support racial profiling and negative profiling on any race is even worse but after recent “close” encounters with some of the Africans in Puchong over the weekend, I think it is high time that the growing number of “students” from African & Middle East countries need to be closely monitored.

Are they really genuine students or they are public menace (or criminals like here and here) in disguise?

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