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Science Fiction

TV Shows 101: Space 1999, The 1970’s Classic Science Fiction

Moonbase Space 1999 TV Shows 1970 Science Fiction Eagle Spacecraft

The race to propelled imagination of many around the world and that included the & which gave us many classics such as the show titled “”. Image source: Ultimate Classic Rock

During this lockdown and self-isolations in quarantine centre, one of the things I decided to do to kill the boredom (and make full use of the free internet) by watching old TV series which now is available on Youtube. I had watched a few but for space-related shows, Space 1999 crossed my mind instantly.

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Movie Review 101: Star Wars 1977: The Force is Strong with This One

star wars

(: New Hope – probably the greatest that came out to capture everyone’s imagination and left a deep impression of their life. Picture source: IMDB)

In a galaxy far, far away…

The Star Movie channel over Astro been showing all the in the Star Wars trilogy and last Sunday was the screening of Episode IV (Episodes V & VI will be shown in this week and thereafter). This is not the first time I am watching all the 6 movies – I probably have watched Episode IV about 20 times (or more!) and the rest between 10 – 15 times – ya, I am one crazy Star Wars fan. But despite that, it still feels exciting whenever I see on screen a fights with a light saber or R2D2 arguing with C3PO – the “Force” has made a strong impact on many of us.

The first Star Wars movie (Episode IV) came out in 1977 at the time when I was just 4 years old – too young to understand what the “Force” means.

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Movie Review: War of the Worlds 2005, Good But Disappointed for Wrong Reasons

world of the worlds movie

is a classic story by H.G. Wells (mind you, it came out in 1898!) but how much difference that can make in his remake in 2005? That was the thought running through my mind when I saw the movie showing at my local theatre. Image source:

After hearing about the movie and seeing that it got an “A” rating in The Star, I and my wife set aside our Sunday to see the movie.

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