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Water Pollution 2021: Two Water Disruptions, Faster Recovery This Time

Water Treatment

One of the biggest headaches, whenever we have disruption, is that once the plant starts working, it takes at least 2 days for the treated water to reach our homes.

The reason for the delay is due to the number of water treatment processes that need to be done before the water can be released to the end consumers. Those homes on hills like mine take even longer due to the lower water pressure. Image source: Dwyer

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Malaysia 101: When Stupidity, Stubbornness and Double Standards Mixed

COVID19 Malaysia

What really went wrong in ‘s fight against ?

Just when Malaysia almost able to bend the curve, it suddenly spiked up again and it is running loose now. Have we gotten lax in and maintaining our precautions? It is the same case with disruptions in the state of – it is happening way too frequently these days. Image source: Our World In Data

Read More »Malaysia 101: When Stupidity, Stubbornness and Double Standards Mixed

Water Pollution 2020: Why We Are Not Punishing Everyone For Water Disruptions?

water disruption

Seriously I have lost count but once again, someone had polluted the that caused the supply in to be disrupted again. And once again, the act of polluting the rivers seemed intentional and with little regards to the welfare of thousands of consumers. If it is not considered as malicious , then what is it then? A sheer recklessness? Image source: NST

Read More »Water Pollution 2020: Why We Are Not Punishing Everyone For Water Disruptions?

National Security 2019: Treat Water Pollution as Terrorist Attack!!


& to consumers is not new – the above was back in October 2016 when it was discovered that a toxic solvent had been dumped into a tributary of a river that flows into the Sungai plant. Earlier this month, the plant was shut down due to “odor pollution”.

On Sept 23, it was closed due to from Sungai Lalang near the Semenyih Hitech area, and a day earlier, it was shut down due to contamination believed to be from an illegal factory along Jalan Sungai Lalang. Image source: The Star

Considering how water pollution is causing hardship to the consumers in this country and the level of punishment is not enough to stop pollution from recurring (and causing water supply disruptions), we need to treat all these polluters as terrorists and in particular as a determined terrorist attack.

Read More »National Security 2019: Treat Water Pollution as Terrorist Attack!!