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Health 101: Understanding Ancient Ayurvedic’s 3 Main Doshas

Ayurvedic Health Dosha Hindu Balance

It is not limited to just the science of Ayurvedic, the key point of everything in this life is to have a good balance in everything we do, say and eat and we have seen this from our lifestyles, diet and even how we manage ourselves. This is not something new and in different aspect of health, balance Image source: Taste For Life.

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Health 101: Early Morning Easy Yoga Routines

Yoga health India Asanas

It is said that yoga is about 10,000 years old and it is more than the boundary of modern yoga as we know it now. Yoga is about the way we think, do and interact with others positively. Image source: Elly Fairytale from Pexels

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 3 – Arriving At Home Away From Home

quarantine hotel impiana covid19

(The view from my quarantine room which unfortunately was nothing to shout about but at least I could get some sunlight into the room. When I am bored, I will look over when the office workers are leaving the parking lot in the next building for a change of sight)

This will be the second time that we will be undergoing 2 weeks of COVID19 quarantine but compared to the first time quarantine in Cambodia, the quarantine in Malaysia with Malaysian food and Malaysian hospitality is always welcomed.

Read More »Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 3 – Arriving At Home Away From Home