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History 101: The Famous Babylon, Most Hated City In The Bible?

Robert Cargill Babylon Ancient Civilsation

I would highly recommend my current read, The Cities That Built The Bible by Robert R. Cargill who is an Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Iowa irrespective of whether you are a or not as it looks at the various cities such as that were mentioned in the Bible from an archaeological standpoint of view and how ancient rituals, wars and even Gods have somehow formed the contents and narration of the Bible. Image source: Perlego

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National Security 2020: Why the Red Carpet to These Terrorists?


In a galaxy far, far away, these rebels including the beautiful Princess Leia would have been tagged as in the eyes of the Empire. I am sure many would protest. So what defines someone as a terrorist? Someone who been brainwashed with a twisted interpretation of and race and kills innocent people? Or is it someone who has taken up armed resistance to a rogue occupation or an evil dictator? Image source:

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Democracy 101: A Good Parliamentary Debate


(The parliament is certainly not THE place for any funny business. The House of Commons in session and in a good mood for a debate over ‘s motion on . Although not all the MPs had the opportunity to speak their mind on the motion, whoever did managed, left a positive impression on the viewers. Image source: the Net)

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