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Military 101: FA-50 Fighting Eagles Light Combat Jet Fighter Finalised For Malaysia’s RMAF

KAI F-50 FA-50 RMAF Korean Jet Fighter

The FA-50 “Fighting Eagle” which started as an advanced trainer, T-50 is a joint venture between South Korea’s Korea Aerospace Industries with US-based Lockheed Martin and is in service primarily in the South Korean Air Force with 60 fighter jets and in all South East Asia countries except Singapore & Brunei. Image source: Wikipedia

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Military 101: HAL’s Tejas Light Fighter Jets – Reflecting On OTB’s Unfair Criticism


I have always appreciated Syed Akbar Ali’s posts in his blog “OutSyed The Box” (OTB) as being critical and something to ponder on when it comes to national politics and economy but when it comes to military-related matters, you may want to hold back your horses. His latest post unfairly attacks India’s HAL Tejas which is being considered by RMAF for the light combat aircraft requirements. Image source: Twitter / Wikipedia.

Read More »Military 101: HAL’s Tejas Light Fighter Jets – Reflecting On OTB’s Unfair Criticism

Military 101: Lining Up RMAF’s Next Deadly Light Combat Fighter


For many years, the reliable and trusted F-5E Tiger II had remained at the forefront of RMAF front line interception and ground attack fighter before temporarily moving on to ex-US owned A-4 Skyhawk before settling down with British made light attack combat BAE Hawk 108 & 208 jet fighters.

BAE Hawk 108 & 208 jet fighters played the role of training new pilots, ground attack and providing close air support like how it was done during the Lahad Datu intrusion, with RMAF dropping Mk 82 unguided bombs and CRV7 rockets before the troops moved in. Image source: Junchuann@Wikipedia.

Read More »Military 101: Lining Up RMAF’s Next Deadly Light Combat Fighter