Xperia SP
Old Photos – Part 3
Before we proceed with this week’s short post, there are 3 things I wanted to say aloud.
First is Waytha, after the hunger strike stunt that he pulled before the elections and got his MOU with Najib had now resigned – he rightfully deserved it, if you ask me. The way to go is to stop fighting for rights and benefits based on racial lines and do so more on poverty lines so that all races in this country will fairly benefit from it.… [Click to read the rest] “Old Photos – Part 3”
Tech News 101: The Symbian is FINALLY dead!
(Anodised aluminium monocoque case – that is what grabs you when you see a Symbian powered Nokia N8 smartphone for the first time. That’s what happened to me and it became my first smartphone and it remained until it was clear that it’s OS, Symbian^3 will no longer be developed with new releases. Image source:
My venture to smartphones probably triggered by an incident at a car park – the parking attendant with dirty short pants & flip-flops was updating his status on Facebook with an iPhone. It then occurred to me that the age of the smartphone is already here and somehow I had missed catching the boat.