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Travel & Food 101

Anything to do with travelling and food

Barbeque Time

It has been some time since I actively participated in a “barbeque session”.

The last time I did that was a year ago although in between, I have been to my cousin’s house with a on one hand and well-done barbequed chicken on the other for dinners. Usually my younger cousins will take care of the barbequing activities (ya, they like to play with fire) whilst the older ones like me help out from time to time (not barbequing but eating of course).[Click to read the rest] “Barbeque Time”

Working Late Again

It was Day 13 in (read further what I meant by “was”)

I was typing this at…hold on (checking the clock at the wall)…2.00 in the morning. There are about 10 of us here (including the security guard who looks a bit surprised at the high number of half-asleep Malaysians at this time of the hour), holed up in the office as we are preparing to cut to live the system that is being implemented.

[Click to read the rest] “Working Late Again”