These days I am hooked on playing Blogshares. BlogShares is a fantasy stock market for weblogs. Players get to invest a fictional $500 (keyword here is fictional), and blogs are valued by incoming links.
I registered myself for Blogshares sometime ago (registration is free) but did not really pay any real attention to it until couple weeks ago. The thing that got me interested was the question what is the value of my blog – in fictional sense of course.
In the last few weeks, this is what I have done:-
1. “Bought” back some of my own blog shares, owing 51% of my blog shares causing an increase of the share price from $1.88 per share to $2.80 per share (in the real world, the price would have fallen)
2. Saw my “investment” in sudhishkamath’s blog was a jackpot with share price going up from $17.30 per share to $79.69 per share. It was my biggest “profit” todate – enough to buy more “shares” of other blogs
3. As at the day’s closing, I had $54, 914.79 worth of shares in 20 blogs including mine (bought some potential new blogs, hoping to repeat the “sudhishkamath” success)
4. Slowly buying over some of the interesting blogs around (in real life) but no one paid any attention in Blogshares
All of the above done without using real money of course. I am in fact enjoying it because the trading is free of charge and it is interesting to have an uncontrolled speculation buying
At end of the day, I am not sure whether there is any real life lessons from Blogshares (I thought the same for Diablo 2) but being a game for free with the blogs actually growing in size, popularity and transactions, it should be interesting till it last.
So, have you checked the value of your blog’s shares recently?
(Filed under Del.icio.us Tag: Blogsphere)