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Logic, Not Logic


(Some things are not as difficult as it made to be by the local politicians. Image source: 

“You think we are stupid ah?”

I was thinking of doing a post about my son (he is off to Taiping with my wife for a week break with my in-laws) yesterday but something else caught my attention in the papers. And the bugger who had to ruin the morning is no other than “Semi Value” who twisted his tongue in explaining why the toll concessionaire agreement cannot be made public.

After a series of toll hikes and very lame excuses given by the people on charge, I always have take a stand of “guilty until proven innocent” on the toll issue and certainly things was indeed going that way. I mean why pay more just because someone was reckless and greedy?

Read on and see whether you can understand the bugger’s logic?

Samy: Highway pact won’t be made public.

THE Government has decided that it is not appropriate for all highway concessionaire agreements to be made public. In January this year, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the agreement between the Government and highway concessionaires would not be revealed as the documents were confidential.

A month later, however, he announced that the Prime Minister had agreed in principle to make the documents public. “We have studied the matter in detail and have decided that it is not appropriate to reveal all signed concessionaire agreements to the public,” said Samy Vellu in a written reply to Lim Kit Siang (DAP – Ipoh Timur) yesterday.

Samy Vellu said all concessionaire agreements were part of the Government’s secret documents and came under the Official Secrets Act. “These documents contain a confidentiality clause whereby an agreement has to be first obtained from a concessionaire company before the agreement can be made public,” he said.

And mind you that this bugger is replying to a MP in the Parliament. If I am the MP and after reading the bugger’s answer, the questions that will be running in my mind will be:-

1. If the agreement is confidential, then make it not confidential

2. If it is not appropriate to reveal the agreement, then reveal why it is not appropriate.

3. If an agreement has to be first obtained from a concessionaire company, then get their agreement.

Why it is so hard to do? What is the “time bomb” hidden away in the thick pages of the agreement?

After all, most of us who read blogs have already read some part of the agreement and we know that the public has been duped big time. Simple case of someone making a big load of money in an unfair, one sided agreement and then cover it up because do not want the public to find out.

The damage has been done – millions have been collected and lies after lies have been told for cover-up. We curse these people everytime we hand out the hiked up toll charges, wishing them to rot in hell but these people don’t give a damn. The bugger who said that there is not enough traffic on LDP is certainly not the one who has to sit in for hours in traffic jam along LDP.

And if you thought that Samy Vellu had never agreed in the first place to reveal the toll concessionaires’ agreement, well think again. MindaCergas has a good write up where everyone (the Government, Samy Vellu and Litrak) had initially agreed to reveal the agreement but dragged their feet in finalizing it. Now they say that nothing has been agreed – it is back to square one.


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OSA – a really lame excuse

Toll Hike – it looks like load of crap

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