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(My son on the first day of Deepavali – kiddies clothes sure don’t come cheap as it used to be)

5 days far away from a PC or laptop was rejuvenating….at least for someone who is from the IT industry where “software” and “hardware” are not far away from one’s desk (and mind).

I was far away from Klang Valley too which means I have missed the “big” gathering in KL. I read about it in the government run media and it is was interesting to see how much “spin” that was added to it to minimize the “impact” of the gathering (the more you read about it, the more “shallow” the spins seem to be). Another spin or what I rather call it, “wayang kulit” was the UMNO General Assembly. My God, it must have been the “tamest” assembly that they had in recent years – election fever is certainly high on the loose. I had a good laugh though. You want the real story? Read the blogs.

Anyway, too much of “relaxation” is not good either – for I have lost my appetite for blogging and spend more of my free time reading books, watching TV and playing with my son. Hot political news did not even entice me to write my 2-cents opinion in the blog. Maybe it is because I really did not had a good rest from work before, so I am walking on unfamiliar grounds here. But slowly but surely the “passion” for writing is coming back.

Guess what, I got a brand new laptop at work (with very high spec too – more importantly higher RAM and battery life) – so, my own laptop is quickly taken over by my wife and my son is eyeing on the new one – he just need to work out on how to play with it without being caught. For the time being, it is on “loan” from him to me – that’s what he told me.

Being away from work only means a pile of work waiting for me, so in between these work, I managed to “scrap” some words for the blog. Probably just to say that I am still alive (haha).

It’s back to a routine life!

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