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Parenting 101: Leaving Innocent Children Home Alone

children parent parenting

I don’t know whether it is a case of recklessness or plain ignorance but I get very angry when I see parents not taking care of their children in the right manner

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(The 2 children focusing on the cabin light. If both parents have to go, take the kids with them – they are still awake and is able to walk or if have to leave them behind, one of the adults should stay back as well to take care of them but never, never leave them alone more so in a car with the engine still running. P.s. the video looks dark due to this)

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Religion 101: Daily Mantras, The Powerful Morning Prayers

(They say that we remember better if we put things down in writing and repeat it on a daily basis in form of a mantra)


(One in the morning before leaving the house. Image source:

Bung Mokhtar may be stirred up a hornet’s nest with this but frankly speaking, there is some truth with what he has said. But let’s not muddle the matter even more – we can find idiots on both sides of the gender groups.

Read More »Religion 101: Daily Mantras, The Powerful Morning Prayers