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December 2013

History 101: Nelson Mandela Struggle vs False Struggle

Nelson Mandela Struggle

(Invictus – starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon and directed by Clint Eastwood. It is one movie that portrays Nelson Mandela in his best moments and no one had does it better than Morgan Freeman. Image source: Amazon)

When a political party is having its usual general assemblies – you can be assured that there always be some “interesting” statements made in the general public.

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Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 2013: Good Book Hunting At Wee Hours

Big bad wolf

After the great success last year (and the years before), BBWB (Big Bad Wolf Book) sale was back at the same place this year and we made sure we were there on opening day.

But before that, please allow me to trace back to the beginning of this year when I mentioned that I was intending on adding another book cabinet before the end of the year BBWB sale and turn the small family area upstairs into a mini-library.

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Quotable Quotes 101: Not Paying Taxes

Foremost, rest in peace to former South African President Nelson Mandela who passed away last Thursday. A real statesman like him will be greatly missed.


(Here’s one fine example of “instead of giving priority to the minorities, just concentrate on the majority”, courtesy of the Taliban – never forget one’s history even if it took place thousand years ago when “ketuanan” thing was almost non-existence and traders, preachers and intellectuals from every great civilizations made this country their home and trading port. Image source: Wikipedia)

Read More »Quotable Quotes 101: Not Paying Taxes