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March 2020

MH370: Was Air Traffic Control Deliberately Misled?


Tomorrow marks the 6th anniversary of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) that went missing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China. Till today, there have been a wide range of theories and conspiracies thrown in the wind but the plane is yet to be found. Image source: Pinterest.

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 6th March 2020


The 2019-nCoV virus situation as at 6th March 2020: 3,348 dead, 55,418 recovered and 98,382 confirmed cases.

Compared to 13th February 2020, the fatality rate as at 6th March 2020 had increased from 2.32% to 3.40% but there were positive news on the recovery rate, it has improved tremendously from 10.87% to 56.33%. The number of confirmed cases in Malaysia unfortunately had increased to 55 confirmed cases but without any fatality and 28 recovered cases. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Outbreak 2020: Why We Need Take COVIND-19 Virus Seriously Now?


Whilst we are busy with the drama with our politicians, there has been very disturbing development with COVIND-19 virus. The above chart shows the estimated impact of the COVIND-19 virus on the growth of global GDPs. Chart source:

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Malaysian Government 2020: Clean, Integrity And Calibre


Who thinks that this represent a picture of clean slate, high integrity and calibre? Will the people with multiple on-going court cases, allegations of money politics and jumped ships be appointed by the new PM to head the various Ministries? Once the Dewan Rakyat meets next week, one can expect another round of turmoil in the political landscape. Image source: Malaysiakini

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Malaysia in Turmoil 2020: The King Have Decided But Questions Arises


Well, it is kind of a closure for Malaysia that the King had decided that Bersatu’s Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has the highest support and thus will be the next Prime Minister. The last minute show of support for Dr Mahathir for PM from the MPs including rebels like Baru Bian may just be too late. Image source: Al Jazeera

Read More »Malaysia in Turmoil 2020: The King Have Decided But Questions Arises