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June 2021

Malaysia 101: Bold Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz Shoots Down National Recovery Plan

National Recovery Plan Rafidah Aziz COVID19

A couple of weeks ago, the Government announced a 4 phased recovery plan which immediately was heavily criticised by many sectors of the public, businesses and ex-Ministers like Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz as inadequate and lacking a proper strategy in other areas of the economy and national development. Infographic source: Malay Mail

Read More »Malaysia 101: Bold Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz Shoots Down National Recovery Plan

Special Projects 101: Part 4: New Car Makeover 2021 – Adding New Steering Cover

Steering Wheel Cover DIY Car Lazada Online Makeover

I knew my childhood stitching skills will come in handy one of these days when I saw this DIY car steering cover were on sale for less than RM20 on Lazada. Image source: Lazada.

My original steering cover already came with leather wrapping when I first bought the car but it was worn out, tired looking and need a replacement fast. Steering wheel cover was not however part of my original makeover project list as there were other items that needed makeover more urgently.

Read More »Special Projects 101: Part 4: New Car Makeover 2021 – Adding New Steering Cover

National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out

Rohingya Refugee Boat Sea Intrusion

According to UNHCR, there are about 179,570 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia as of the end of May 2021. Out of this rather understated number, there are about 102,950 Rohingyas and this does not include the thousands more that keep sneaking into the country illegally. They already started to become a national headache and a serious threat to our national security.[Click to read the rest] “National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out”