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August 2021

Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup

Cabinet Bloomberg Sabri

A snapshot from Bloomberg on Sabri’s “new” cabinet is very damaging because it is an important publication for foreign investors does not look good. One should note keywords like  “old baggage” and “not a promising beginning”. It is an opportunity missed to make a difference. Image source: TwitterRead More »Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup

Money 101: Best Things I Bought Via Online Shopping Part 2

online Leagoo M8 smartphone

Continuing with the best things that I have bought online, one of the best things that unfortunately did not last long is cheap China-made smartphones and smartphone covers.

One of the fine examples is Leagoo M8 smartphone which I bought online for RM263.20 and that was for a kill considering the phone’s specifications. In the end, I had to replace this phone as it got outdated and it had problems with the screen sensors. Image source: Mesramobile

Read More »Money 101: Best Things I Bought Via Online Shopping Part 2

Gaming 101: Airline Manager 4 – Classic Way Of Managing Brand New Airline

Airline Manager 4

Airline Manager 4 or AM4 is rather a simple managerial simulation game and yet it is addictive in a strange way. Simulation games that require planning, strategic moves and an eye on income and expenses had always synced with my interest in project management. Image source: AM4 Game Site

One of them is Sim City which puts the player in the seat of the mayor of a major city and another is FA Club Manager which puts the player in the seat of an English League football manager.

Read More »Gaming 101: Airline Manager 4 – Classic Way Of Managing Brand New Airline