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December 2021

Environment 101: The Big Flood Crisis & Serious Look At Prepping

1971 Flood Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Natural Disaster

After 50 years, saw another major that started on a fine Saturday and lasted for several days thereafter making it one of the worst natural disasters in recent years. The last time we saw massive floods that crippled the country was back in 1971 that saw 32 people lose their life. The recent flood saw a loss of 41 deaths so far and the was heavily criticised for the lack and slow response to the flood. Image source: Reddit

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History 101: The Fearless Malayan Special Forces in Congo 1961

Congo UN Malaysia MALBATT

It is said that had participated in about 30 UN peacekeeping missions since its first mission in back in 1960 and is actively involved in other UN missions. The more famous ones would be in Somalia (famed for Black Hawk Down) and in Bosnia and Herzegovina where it was said that the Serbians were terrified of the Malaysian battalion after hearing that the are the famous head-hunters. Image source: Mail.

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Malaysia 101: The Chopstick Diplomacy, Look For Better Ways To Assimilate Malaysians

merdeka malaysia tunku abdul rahman independence

Just to recap for those who may not be keeping track of the years that had passed by since (or rather ) got its independence but it’s sad that after 64 years, we are still talking about assimilating the various races with different religions and cultures into one . Image source: Wikipedia

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Nostalgic Tamil Song 101: The Painful Sad Poongatru Thirumbuma by Ilaiyaraaja 1985

Tamil Muthal Mariyathai Bharathiraja Sivaji Ganesan Radha Ilaiyaraaja

The 1985 Tamil , (which means the First Respect) was my late uncle’s favourite movie and he would be watching it at least once a day if he had time to watch the TV.

Well, it became one of my favourite Tamil movies as well. After all, in the hands of the great director, Bharathiraja and the acting prowess of the Nadigar Thilagam, , Muthal Mariyathai is indeed a great movie. Image source: The Hindu

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Religion 101: Ancient Story Of Ramayana & Powerful Influence in ASEAN Countries

election wayang kulit shadow play art kelantan ramayana

It is said that the events mentioned in are about 7,000 years old and with the spread of and Buddhism from saw the story of Ramayana retold in many cultures including the Malays who used it as a core story in shadow plays (wayang kulit) until the short-sighted PAS decided that it is unIslamic and banned the story-telling. Image source: Wikipedia

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Crime 101: Court Of Appeal & Najib’s Case – Failure of Check & Balance System

DAP Najib 1MDB Mahathir Crime Law Bullshit

When the story first broke out that an Arab royalty from the Middle East had donated some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion ringgit) into Najib’s personal account, we all knew that it was too good to be true. called it “bullshit”. And in recent Court of Appeal’s ruling, the judges came to the same conclusion that it was nothing but a concoction. Poster source: Suara Rakyat

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Project Management 101: Tough Planning For Bicycle Trip From India To Singapore

Youtube video streaming internet bicycle

There are tonnes of useless videos on Youtube but over the years, I have managed to filter down and consolidate a playlist comprised of road trips on motorbikes, urban paranormal adventures, or analytical based videos and now I got hooked with adventurers who doing long-distance road trips on bicycles. Image Source: Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

Doing long-distance rides on a is nothing new in Western countries but it is rather rare in these parts of the world where proper touring bicycles are very expensive, the infrastructure and roads are bad and personal safety is a big issue.

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Education 101: Abolish Vernacular Schools – Right Call But Wrong Reasons

Vernacular School literacy Education Malaysia

The sticky issue of is back again and this time riding on a dumb notion that students from the vernacular school are unable to master the national Bahasa and thus faces a bleak future. We have a high literacy rate in the world but we keep screwing up with silly experiments and dubious political intentions. Map source: Our World in Data

I guess when the country has run out of pressing issues to talk about, they will fall back on the dumb issues that touch on and .

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