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Health 101: The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting food

In the ancient Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda, the emphasis is on natural, whole foods and the timing and manner of eating which includes intermittent fasting, as much as on the food itself. This holistic approach considers not just the nutritional content of food, but also how it affects the body’s balance of the three fundamental bodily humors: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Image source: Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on UnsplashRead More »Health 101: The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Personal Trip 101: Ipoh Family Day – Day 1 Concubine Lane & Quick Shopping

Ipoh Housing Bungalow

The view from the hotel room simply shows how serene & calm Ipoh outside the city center can be. Quite a number of the houses are still based on single-storey designs with a huge surrounding space that can easily accommodate at least 5 cars and this used to be the style of houses we used to have in the Klang Valley in the 1980s.

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TV Shows 101: The Amazing Story of Avatar The Last Airbender

Avatar The Last Airbender TV Animation

I rate Avatar: The Last Airbender as probably one of the greatest mystic, martial art animations that appeals to both children & adults. The notion that some can master the 4 elements in whole or part is not new considering that we have heard the same in the ancient world. Image source: AmazonRead More »TV Shows 101: The Amazing Story of Avatar The Last Airbender