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Governance 101

Anything to do with Ideals, Customer Service, Governance, Government, Politics and Enforcement

Malaysian’s Great Debate 2012: Chua Soi Lek – Lim Guan Eng Debate Circus

debate funny cartoon

(The built-up to the debate between 2 political parties that represented the Chinese community with elections just around the corner somehow fizzled out when the debate actually started and it deteriorated further on there onwards. Image source: The Week)

Generally, the whole much-hyped debate between 2 giants, to put delicately – sucked!

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Governance 101: Wasteful & Short-Sighted Again


(In the Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, Malaysia ranks 25 out of 139 countries where public spending & governance is somewhat better managed than the rest but then again, if one reads deeper into the report, Malaysia’s ranking is only 4.2 out of the full 7 on the mark. We are no where close to our neighbour down south who ranks at the top at 6.1 despite their limited natural resources, human resource and living space)

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Governance 101: Seriously, It’s Only Common Sense, Right?

Common Sense

(It is common sense that petrol stations have plenty of flammable fuel, so imagine seeing a fire at the petrol station. Now imagine if you are next to it or worst, you and your love ones in the inferno. Image source:

You probably have seen the above sign at your nearest petrol station but you probably acted like an idiot and ignored it anyway.

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Governance 101: Case for Loud Rowdy Namewee

YouTube player

For those who are not familiar with him, Namewee or his real name, Wee Meng Chee is a Malaysian Chinese hip hop recording artist, composer, filmmaker (his Nasi Lemak 2.0 is quite good) and actor. He was famous with controversies namely the one relating to a song titled Negarakuku. 

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Governance 101: The Chinatown Instant White Knights

Chinatown Petaling Street

(The city’s own Chinatown is along with the tourist spot, Petaling Street. This was the place where I bought my first true SLR and this is also the place where we used to go for new clothes for Deepavali. Image source:

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