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Governance 101

Anything to do with Ideals, Customer Service, Governance, Government, Politics and Enforcement

Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 14 April 2010

shah rukh my name is khan snippet hindi movie

(News snippet – this is a good movie but I seriously think they could have gotten another actor to play the role of a person with autism. Image IMDB)

When I am at home and I strike a good idea or when I am from work and I get pissed off with the number of idiots on the road or when I am at the office and I overheard something funny or when I surf the net and find something brilliant, there is plenty of things that I want to write down (some posts have the potential to be the killer post of the year).

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Politics 101: Mission Selangor Take Over Plan (STOP)

Misi Tawan Selangor

(Before STOP, there were many other missions to wrestle back the richest state, in the country. Image source: Malaysia Today)

STOP is the latest campaign launched by the oppositions in the state of Selangor (that’s to you and me) to wrestle back the state from Rakyat. This, I guess, is the latest of many campaigns in the past – perhaps probably after the failed “we need more jumping frogs” campaign.

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Unity 101: Formation of Saya Anak Bangsa Best Ideals

unity malaysia race saya anak malaysia

(Khairy Jamaluddin or KJ may have said things that are against the concept of Saya Anak in the past but hopefully, he had realised that embarking on it would be the right way for the country. Image source: Internet)

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Enforcement 101: The High Price of Strict Enforcement

Car indicator signal driving skill enforcement

(Perhaps still angry with the laziness of people not using their indicators when they are on the road and the law is not doing any enforcement on it)

I caught some photos of queue jumpers over the weekend. The lane reserved for the bus lane becomes a short cut for the queue jumpers and ending up creating unnecessary bottlenecks at the front.

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Elections 101: Readying Perak For Next General Elections

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(This must be one of the shameful events in the democratic process in the state of where MPs voted by the people decides to jump political party for their own benefits. Image source: Malaysiakini)

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Politics 101: PAS for All, Sincere Or Fake?


(“ for all” slogan and coming from a political that bent of its the style of religion could just be another red-herring to fish for from the Non-Muslims who in the past seems as the bogeyman for the Muslims. Image source:

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Governance 101: Old School Hard Censorship, Will He Change Too?

change internet minister

(“Trust meeeee and please change, who needs the Internet? It is a Western tool to erode our culture and way of our life.  I know this, I am in charge of information and communications old school! Image source:

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