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Governance 101

Anything to do with Ideals, Customer Service, Governance, Government, Politics and Enforcement

Malaysia 2018: A Strong Case for Tommy Thomas as the next AG

Tommy Thomas Attorney General Legal AG

(After the major screw-up and yet to accept the reality of things, the guy on the left does not have enough trust and credibility to continue to be the AG i.e. the Attorney General. The country needs a change – a drastic change that it. Image source: Free Today)

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 21 September 2017


(Time for some snippets. We all are friends when your enemy is also my enemy. Pakatan Harapan in place of Pakatan Rakyat – they are better organised and led by experienced in the political area but will they stick together when their individual objective clashes? Image source: The Malaysian Insight)

Hi folks, it has been some time since I last blogged – frankly speaking, I have been spending more time at other places (some DIYs at home, updating my Facebook, watching Youtube, playing games, etc) instead of blogging. But it does not mean I have not been keeping up with the snippets – unfortunately, there are more depressing snippets on where this country is heading. In fact, this snippet post and the title had been on a draft mode for months and had undergone several edits so don’t be surprised if you are reading very old snippets here.

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Governance 101: Rukunegara, Things That We Have Forgotten


How do you guys been doing lately? Do you still remember Rukunegara?

The last post I did was way back in early July and I considered that is a very long gap when it comes to blogging. My sincere apologies for missing from the blogosphere. It is not that I had stopped blogging but rather I have been busy – very, very busy indeed on something else.

For last 3 months and hopefully continuing into the coming months, I have spending my weekends rather religiously on activities that makes me achieve my daily target of 10,000 steps on my pedometer, cause me to sweat like hell and drink more than 8 cups of water (well it is more than 4 litres per day). Image source: Android Authority

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Residential Association 101: The Dreadful & Inactive Persatuan Penduduk

persatuan RA

(The familiar facade of almost every or in English, Residential Association in residential areas in this country.  But setting this up and running a Persatuan Penduduk on a regular basis is not easy. Image source: TheStar)

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Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!


(One of the best scene from the Avengers – Hulk vs a God and guess who won. I watched this scene probably hundred times and I never got bored with it. Image source:

It was “bang” leaving 2015 – we all watched the new Star Wars movie and we all loved it from the start to the end.

But ever since the start of a “new” year, hardly been a time when I was not in an “angry” mode. Don’t get me wrong – I am not angry with anyone in particular but now schools have started and parents rushing to send their kids to school and then rush to work, way too many idiots have sprout out and had made things worse.

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Malaysia 2015: Big Difference Between Leadership vs Managing


It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then will appreciate your . —Nelson Mandela, on leading vs managing. Image source: The New York Times

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Crime 101: RM2.6 Billion: It’s the DAP & the Jews, Damn It!!!

DAP 1MDB Jew Mahathir Najib

(Bullshit!!!! The Old Man’s reaction when he heard that some mysterious donors from the Middle East had donated some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion ringgit) into Najib’s personal account and the reason for the donation had been spiraling down into realms of stupidity and absurd. Poster source: Suara Rakyat)

One way or another, I was expecting someone to pull in the Jews into the picture. Doesn’t it been the case whenever things gets screwed big time. I was right and this time they included DAP for the ride as well.

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Malaysia 101: Dr Mahathir – Democracy in Malaysia is Dead


More interesting things, especially on democracy and , are taking place on social media and on late nights when I do have the time, I usually spent it surfing through Facebook instead of writing a post for the blog. Another is that I have gone “back to school” and I managed to get one of the certificates that I targeted to get this year. Unfortunately, it is just a start and I have another target to meet in the next few months. So, it is back to doing revisions and the dreaded homework in the coming months. Image: Pinterest

And times are tough and times are not right for one to simply sit back and take things easy. Work too has been piling up over the last few months and the expectations from both in and out of the organisation have been very, very demanding.

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Governance 101: Illogical Misdirection of Dress Codes

YouTube player

(If you ask me, this is a better video to watch for the first time visitors to and is lovely as usual)

I was flying in to Malaysia just the other day and yes, I was flying on . It was kind of painful to see the good, hard-working in MAS facing some uncertainty as MAS undergoes a major restructuring. But that did not stopped the stewardess on my flight from ensuring that service was and always first class.

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Vision 2020: Within our Sight & Destiny?


(Are we on path to achieve ? The Old Man’s war path with the current , Najib may wins the support from a good number of who simply tired with the “wayang kulit” in the issue of but then again, didn’t the Old Man had his hands in allowing the seeds of , wastage and misdirection of priorities to take hold when he was the PM for 22 years? Food for thought. Image source: Jebat Must Die)

I have mentioned this in several of my blog posts that it is going impossible for us to achieve the developed nation status by year 2020 but when it comes from the horse’s mouth, it does sound pretty serious, doesn’t it?

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 15 May 2015

automated snippet

( snippet – It is indeed a tragedy when an infant dies due to another road user who cared less of the safety of others but other than feeling sad & saying our condolences, what we are doing to ensure another person does not die in the same manner? Image source: the Net)

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Crime 101: Sarawak Report Expose on 1MDB


(1MDB: A 42 billion time bomb that had already exploded on everyone’s face but a lot of people in this country are not aware of the blast – no thanks to a sneaky fat guy and a clueless PM. Until today, I am lost why they put billions of taxpayers money in Cayman Island unless it is meant for some shady deal. Infographic source:

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