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Malaysia 101: How Realistic is the National Unity Blueprint 2021-2030?

Perseverance Mars Unity Space NASA

The image of NASA’s Perseverance rover touching down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021 – its mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, paving the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith. Image source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

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National Security 2020: Recent Intrusion of Chinese ships in Malaysian Waters


(The potential flashpoint for the next regional war is in the where in recent years, the has been very aggressively building naval bases complete with missile launch silos, gun emplacements, radar stations, communications towers, runways for heavy bombers and helipads. Photo source: The Sun UK)

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Recently the Chinese Government sent 8 doctors to assist our Ministry of Health on the war to contain and improve the recovery from COVID-19 infections. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah on April 10 said a team of medical professionals from China would be in to lend a helping hand and look at the performance of Malaysia’s hospitals in handling the pandemic.

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Religion 101: Hudud – Can We Prioritise on Real Issues?


(Which is more critical and urgent to the rakyat in Kelantan – tabling of a new Islamic law that overlaps & duplicates the existing convention laws or reconstruction of homes & lives of people involved in the worst natural disaster that the country have seen? It is not an issue of or sedition but rather an issue of priorities. Source: The Malaysian Insider)

The real question is whether we are prioritizing the right things in this country.

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National Security 2011: Is This A Real End of ISA?

ISA Internal Security Act Law Malaysia

( like may finally end but the question is why now and why not in 2009 or in 2010? Any law that allows the to hold anyone without any trials, no recourse to the courts and at the sole discretion of certain in power is dangerous, unfair and allows for gross abuse. Image source:

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Tech News 101: 1Email, The Worst Case Scenarios

email technews online

(Dealing with “not so up-to-date with the latest servants on official business can be tricky at times – especially when things are not so clear like the use of free, secured emails for official communications. Image source: Flickr)

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New Malaysia 101: 1Malaysia Banned On Petty Excuses

malaysia 1malaysia

(Before 2008, BN was beyond the general Malaysian’s acceptable level of arrogance and egoism. After 2008, PR provided some hope but it simply gets too political instead of getting the job done for the benefit of the people. Hopefully the “Third Force” changes the whole political landscape for the better. Image source: The People’s Parliament)

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Advertisement 101: Ridiculous 1Malaysia Deepavali Ad

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(Despite the years, this is still the best advertisement ever! It was funny, direct to the point and made us think for a second on the meaning of Deepavali. We will miss Yasmin Ahmad for her talents & creativity)

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National Unity 101: Malaysia’s Chicken & Egg Story

unity malaysia race

(Long before the illusive 1Malaysia came along, Malaysia has already been a multi-racial, multicultural country. We had our differences but we don’t see our fellow Malaysians as threats. Image source:

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Malaysia 101: Fine Dealing With Some Two Minded Civil Servants

slogan najib civil servant

(“People First, Performance Now,” says the PM where like this look good on paper but matter little to civil servants who suppose to be upholding such slogans. Image source: Slides Share)

With the advent of , my wife having a car on her own and me having to fly out very often, it has been some time since I had to face a for something really important.

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Malaysia 101: Slaying the Real Bogeyman

Bogeyman Malaysia Non Malay

(Who is the real bogeyman in ? Some people determined to prove that it is none other than fellow . Photo by Chavdar Lungov from Pexels)

The 53rd anniversary of our independence is just around the corner, and yet we continue to read this nonsense that causes us to go after the wrong – we should be ashamed of ourselves.

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