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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(One reason why we need to enforce Ops Sikap – it looks like a plague, idiots on the road without helmet creating a nuisance and endangering others and the worse ones even have young kids on the motorcycle. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the police alone although they do handle the bulk of the enforcement since there are other agencies involved namely JPJ who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and road safety-related activities

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Attitude 101: A Simple Thank You Reduces Road Tension

thumbs up driving thank you

(Thumbs up as a sign of thank you instead of the middle finger is always welcomed on a stressful drive home, more so after doing a good deed instead of being a nuisance to fellow road users. Image source: Pinterest)

How many times you have said “Thank You” to someone else today, two days ago, a week ago or a month ago?

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Malaysia 101: Fine Dealing With Some Two Minded Civil Servants

slogan najib civil servant

(“People First, Performance Now,” says the PM where slogans like this look good on paper but matter little to civil servants who suppose to be upholding such slogans. Image source: Slides Share)

With the advent of technology, my wife having a car on her own and me having to fly out very often, it has been some time since I had to face a civil servant for something really important.

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Enforcement 101: The High Price of Strict Enforcement

Car indicator signal driving skill enforcement

(Perhaps still angry with the laziness of people not using their indicators when they are on the road and the law is not doing any enforcement on it)

I caught some photos of queue jumpers over the weekend. The lane reserved for the bus lane becomes a short cut for the queue jumpers and ending up creating unnecessary bottlenecks at the front.

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