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Bahasa Malaysia

Malaysia 101: The Chopstick Diplomacy, Look For Better Ways To Assimilate Malaysians

merdeka malaysia tunku abdul rahman independence

Just to recap for those who may not be keeping track of the years that had passed by since (or rather Malaya) got its independence but it’s sad that after 64 years, we are still talking about assimilating the various races with different religions and cultures into one . Image source: Wikipedia

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Education 101: Abolish Vernacular Schools – Right Call But Wrong Reasons

Vernacular School literacy Education Malaysia

The sticky issue of vernacular is back again and this time riding on a dumb notion that students from the vernacular school are unable to master the national and thus faces a bleak future. We have a high literacy rate in the world but we keep screwing up with silly experiments and dubious political intentions. Map source: Our World in Data

I guess when the country has run out of pressing issues to talk about, they will fall back on the dumb issues that touch on and .

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2020

snippet highland tower landslide

News – Highland Tower condominium happened 27 years ago on 11th December 1993 and it was one of the worst tragedies in the country. 48 people died from the said tragedy – a tragedy that should not have happened. Image source: The Star

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Malaysia 101: Making of United, Strong Bangsa Malaysia

malaysia bangsa national

(Bangsa also means a nation of people who speak in one voice. Whilst we are so against racism in Malaysia, obviously, we are not angels ourselves and thus the need for one united people is even critical now. Image source: Mob’s Crib)

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Education 101: Strong Support for 1Sekolah

support 1sekolah one school system

When ex-ISA detainee M Manoharan proposed that all born after August 31, 1957, to be accorded a Bumiputra status but without any question to the constitutional rights and privileges of Malays, many applauded & supported the proposal.

However at the same time, many questioned this proposal in light with the existence of many types for for Malaysians. It is a valid point.

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Malaysia 101: Our Unique Bahasa Malaysia – What’s The Point?

Bangsa Malaysia Unity Bahasa Malaysia Negaraku Hand

At the end of the day, all are in the boat and proud to call ourselves Bangsa speaking the same , i.e. but and lopsided national make one think that we are in a different country. Image source: Mob’s Crib

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Blogging 101: Blogging Language – Important To Do It Correctly?

blogging language

Normally, I have never bothered with the in anyone’s blog. Why should I? It is not my blog and everyone has their right to determine how they want to express themselves. Admittedly even my own blog is not perfect. It has spelling errors; critical mistakes and sometimes sentences that do not make any sense.

To minimise spelling mistakes and grammar errors, what I do is that I would first type it in an MS Word. Do the spelling and grammar checks before posting. Most of the time, it works but not all the time. Comic source:

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